School Fundraising

Chestnut Books Fundraising is a tool for schools and nurseries to raise money for new books. Parents and friends of your school can donate money and we will help select the right books for you.

Make a donation.

Deanery Primary School are fundraising for brand new books for their beautiful new library. Many books were damaged in the flood so they are looking for donations to replace these and add lots of inspiring brand new fiction and non-fiction books to their collection.

Donate to Deanery Primary School


Make a donation.

Etwall Primary School are hoping to have lots of brand new books for their brand new library! They would like to thank the parents and carers of all their children for their patience and hard work over a very difficult year. They have been unable to host any of their usual fundraising PTFA events and would be really grateful for your contributions towards a wonderful new collection of books.

Donate to Etwall Primary School Library

Thinking about fundraising?

Get in touch with us and we will do all the hard work for you.

Our service includes:

  • A dedicated donation section on our donation pages with wording that can be written by you.

  • Suggested donation amounts of any size and the option for parents/friends to choose how much they’d like to give.

  • Books for any area of your school or nursery: library, class libraries, curriculum texts, class stories, new dictionaries/atlases, English texts, specific themes eg. diversity, climate…

  • We can use our expertise & experience to choose all the books for you or give you help with specific areas.

  • Books delivered to your school for free (for donations totalling £150+).

  • The option to have the names of all your donors (if permission is given) to display in school.

Contact us.


35 Chestnut Grove,

Etwall, DE65 6NG