Inspire a life-long love for reading
Our library collections are curated to make setting up a new library, or refreshing your current stock, simple.
Each collection has been carefully curated to include the very best children’s books that will inspire your children to read widely & often. These books will take your students on magical, unforgettable journeys that will stay with them into adulthood. We know how important it is that the books our children read are inclusive and positively represent a diverse range of cultures, backgrounds and families. The characters they meet in these stories will help shape them into the adults they want to become… we have chosen books that are filled with fantastic characters that are kind, courageous, intelligent, resilient and an inspiration to young minds.
Our collections are currently designed to cater for ages 3-11. If you are an infant or junior school, please get in touch and we can create collections to best suit your school.
Library Collections
Need to expand your library with specific books? Take a look at our topic collections for subject-specific books and our books corners for year group-specific stories and non-fiction.
The recommended number of books in a school library is 13 per pupil. Smaller schools will need proportionally more than this to ensure a good range. Schools with fewer than 100 pupils should aim for 1300 high quality books. *
*information provided by Book Trust
We would recommend that picture books are displayed in forward facing book cases and that these are rotated every couple of weeks with the rest of your illustrated books being stored on standard shelving.
Fiction books should be arranged alphabetically by author’s surname. Depending on the size on your school, it may be useful to split your fiction into those aimed at Year2-4 and those aimed at older children.
Free-standing spinning cases are great for storing popular series such as The Naughtiest Unicorn, Football Rising Stars, Isadora Moon… Place these at the back of the library so the children have to walk all the way through to get to them!
Non-Fiction books are best organised into topics with labelled shelves. EYFS non-fiction books are best displayed in forward-facing bookcases where children can easily access them and play with the buttons & sliders.
Yes! Our collections follow on from each other so there will be occasions when you need to have earlier collections to have the full series in school. (eg. Collection 1 may have books 1 and 2 from a series and Collection 2 may then have books 3 & 4.)
If your library capacity doesn’t quite fit with these collections then get in touch and we can put something together that works for you.
No. We do provide several books from our favourite series’ to encourage a love for reading but we don’t include any duplicates so you’ll get a wide range of different books.
This depends on the number of books in your library. We would always recommend that children are able to take books out of the library to read at home (and this is OFTSTED’s expectation). You could manage this with a sign in and out book, or if you have a lots of books, an electronic system is a good way to keep track of where they are and which books/authors are most popular.
We would recommend replacing 10% of your library stock each year. This will cover wear & tear, books getting lost and ensure that your library stays up-to-date with new titles. Make the arrival of the new books an event in school and encourage the children to request books they would like to read.