Book Corners

Book Corners

Create a life-long love of reading in your classroom with our pre-made book corners. Each collection includes 30 fantastic books that we know you and your children will love.

We’ve included lots of links to topics and, most importantly, poetry that promotes our shared values of kindness, celebrating diversity and promoting self-confidence & well-being.

Book Corners

Every collection contains a mixture of classics and brand new high quality books that will capture your class’s imagination. The selections have been put together to ensure there is a balance of funny and more serious books covering a wide range of themes and representations of different backgrounds and cultures. We have read every book that is included in our collections and know that your and your children will love reading them!

Just Added: Expansion Sets

Our pre-made book corners have been out for a whole year so we decided it was time to create some beautiful expansion packs to update your reading corners! We know your classes love their book corners so let’s keep their enthusiasm and make sure they are inspired to read by adding the most exciting books we’ve read over the last year. Made to the same high standards, these collections include only the best books that have been published in the last year. We’ve selected each carefully and made sure we’ve included a diverse range of characters & families.