Meerkat Mail
Meerkat Mail is a brilliant picture book from Emily Gravett, the winner of the Kate Greenaway Medal. It has wonderfully detailed, witty artwork and a giant, glossy postcard flap to lift on every spread. Sunny the meerkat lives with his enormous family in the Kalahari desert.
They are all very close… so close, in fact, that one day Sunny decides it's just too crowded and packs his bags. He's off to visit his mongoose cousins. But from the watery world of the Marsh Mongoose to the nocturnal lifestyle of the Malagasy Mongoose, Sunny just doesn't fit in.
And who's that shadowy figure who seems to be following him around? There's so much to enjoy, from the newspaper cuttings on the endpapers to the wittily accurate information about each mongoose species Sunny visits on his journey. With seven giant glossy postcards attached to the pages, this beautiful book is rich with comic detail and will keep any child entertained for hours.
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Meerkat Mail is a brilliant picture book from Emily Gravett, the winner of the Kate Greenaway Medal. It has wonderfully detailed, witty artwork and a giant, glossy postcard flap to lift on every spread. Sunny the meerkat lives with his enormous family in the Kalahari desert.
They are all very close… so close, in fact, that one day Sunny decides it's just too crowded and packs his bags. He's off to visit his mongoose cousins. But from the watery world of the Marsh Mongoose to the nocturnal lifestyle of the Malagasy Mongoose, Sunny just doesn't fit in.
And who's that shadowy figure who seems to be following him around? There's so much to enjoy, from the newspaper cuttings on the endpapers to the wittily accurate information about each mongoose species Sunny visits on his journey. With seven giant glossy postcards attached to the pages, this beautiful book is rich with comic detail and will keep any child entertained for hours.
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Meerkat Mail is a brilliant picture book from Emily Gravett, the winner of the Kate Greenaway Medal. It has wonderfully detailed, witty artwork and a giant, glossy postcard flap to lift on every spread. Sunny the meerkat lives with his enormous family in the Kalahari desert.
They are all very close… so close, in fact, that one day Sunny decides it's just too crowded and packs his bags. He's off to visit his mongoose cousins. But from the watery world of the Marsh Mongoose to the nocturnal lifestyle of the Malagasy Mongoose, Sunny just doesn't fit in.
And who's that shadowy figure who seems to be following him around? There's so much to enjoy, from the newspaper cuttings on the endpapers to the wittily accurate information about each mongoose species Sunny visits on his journey. With seven giant glossy postcards attached to the pages, this beautiful book is rich with comic detail and will keep any child entertained for hours.
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We love this book because it is:
a beautifully illustrated & interactive story with lots of postcards to read
really funny
a brilliant way in to teaching about habitats & animals
great for comparing/writing different styles of writing
Learning opportunities:
Science: Habitats/Geography ~ find out where Meerkats live
Science: Habitats ~ research the different habitats & diets of the breeds of Mongoose
Science: Animals ~ find out about the habitat, diet & behaviour of Meerkats. Create a fact file.
Science:: Animals ~ work as a group to create a set of top trumps cards for animals that live in the Kalahari Desert
Maths: Measuring ~ what is the temperature in the Kalahari Desert? What is the temperature in your country? What is the difference?
Maths: Measuring ~ find out how much rainfall there is in the Kalahari Desert each year. Measure it out then compare it to the rainfall in your own country.
Reading ~ alliteration
Writing ~ write a letter from Sunny’s family to him in response to one of his postcards
Writing ~ write a postcard from Sunny to his family from a different location
PSHE ~ learn your address and write it on to your postcard
Writing ~ look at the newspaper articles about the Meerkats. Write a newspaper article about the Jakal being captured.
Computing ~ create a missing poster for Sunny
PSHE ~ what is Sunny’s family motto? Can you think of a motto for your family, team or school?